Continued …

To make it even more secure you can whitelist all functions allowed to be called via callback with a simple modification:

KK_fnc_CB_WHITELIST = { _this in [ "fnc_lolfunc", "function2", "function3" ] }; KK_fnc_CB_ERROR = { diag_log (format [ "CB_ERROR! Call to non-existent function '%1' (Passed params: %2)", _this select 0, _this ]) }; KK_fnc_CB = { private ["_fnc","_code"]; _fnc = _this select 0; if (_fnc call KK_fnc_CB_WHITELIST) then { _code = missionNamespace getVariable [ format ["%1", _fnc], KK_fnc_CB_ERROR ]; if ((_this select 2) == "call") then { _this call _code; } else { null = _this spawn _code; } } };

Few notes about compileFinal. You have to assign final code to a variable. It is the variable containing the code that then becomes final and therefore the code becomes final. You can include a file containing a bunch public functions like this:

//a bad example call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "myfile.sqf";

Or even this:

//another bad example functions = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "myfile.sqf"; call functions;

None of the public functions inside will get finalised by association. You have to do it explicitly, you have to do them all individually or by placing them in a separate file each, then compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers each file.

//a good example function1 = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "myfunction1.sqf" function2 = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "myfunction2.sqf"

Alternatively, as was mentioned before, convert your functions to strings and then compileFinal.


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