There is another huge multi-part building in Arma 3, which also has sliding doors, 4 of them actually – Airport Terminal. So I thought might as well make a function to spawn and automate it. And good job I did this because I’ve learned that there could be several different centers in a model and that getPos could be very different from getPosATL even if the object is at z=0 in both cases. I will probably make a separate blog post about it, but for now here is how to build Airport Terminal:


KK_fnc_buildAirportTerminal = { private ["_fnc","_tr","_main","_side"]; _fnc = { { _tr = createTrigger [ "EmptyDetector", _side modelToWorld _x ]; _tr setVariable ["parent", _side]; _tr setTriggerArea [5, 5, 0, false]; _tr setTriggerActivation ["ANY", "PRESENT", true]; _tr setTriggerStatements [ "this", format [ " (thisTrigger getVariable 'parent') animate ['Door_%1A_move', 1]; (thisTrigger getVariable 'parent') animate ['Door_%1B_move', 1]; ", _forEachIndex + 7 ], format [ " (thisTrigger getVariable 'parent') animate ['Door_%1A_move', 0]; (thisTrigger getVariable 'parent') animate ['Door_%1B_move', 0]; ", _forEachIndex + 7 ] ]; _side setVariable [format [ "bis_disabled_Door_%1", _forEachIndex + 7 ], 1, true]; } forEach _this; }; _main = createVehicle ["Land_Airport_center_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"]; _main setDir (_this select 0); _main setPosATL (_this select 1); _side = createVehicle ["Land_Airport_left_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"]; _side attachTo [_main, [19.6722,-4.61768,4.04246]]; detach _side; [ [-0.62,-15.16,-7], [-0.62,15.16,-7] ] call _fnc; _side = createVehicle ["Land_Airport_right_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"]; _side attachTo [_main, [-19.5177,-4.61768,4.04246]]; detach _side; [ [0.62,-15.16,-7], [0.62,15.16,-7] ] call _fnc; };

The above function will build the Terminal wherever you want, even in the mid air if you wish and automate the sliding doors. To call it use similar script passing [dir, pos] arguments to it:

[45, player modelToWorld [0, 50, 0.25]] call KK_fnc_buildAirportTerminal;

And just in case you want to automate existing Altis International Airport, use this piece of code:

call { if (!isDedicated || worldName != "Altis") exitWith {}; private ["_fnc","_tr","_side"]; _fnc = { { _tr = createTrigger [ "EmptyDetector", _side modelToWorld _x ]; _tr setVariable ["parent", _side]; _tr setTriggerArea [5, 5, 0, false]; _tr setTriggerActivation ["ANY", "PRESENT", true]; _tr setTriggerStatements [ "this", format [ " (thisTrigger getVariable 'parent') animate ['Door_%1A_move', 1]; (thisTrigger getVariable 'parent') animate ['Door_%1B_move', 1]; ", _forEachIndex + 7 ], format [ " (thisTrigger getVariable 'parent') animate ['Door_%1A_move', 0]; (thisTrigger getVariable 'parent') animate ['Door_%1B_move', 0]; ", _forEachIndex + 7 ] ]; _side setVariable [format [ "bis_disabled_Door_%1", _forEachIndex + 7 ], 1, true]; } forEach _this; }; _side = [14619,16810,0] nearestObject "Land_Airport_left_F"; [ [-0.62,-15.16,-7], [-0.62,15.16,-7] ] call _fnc; _side = [14587,16776,0] nearestObject "Land_Airport_right_F"; [ [0.62,-15.16,-7], [0.62,15.16,-7] ] call _fnc; };

All code if for the use on dedicated server.
