It is basically like Who’s Talking? only with markers. There are lots of different grievances people can do with markers, and without default means of detection, can get away with it as well. Ideally it would be great to have event handlers for placement and removal of user markers, with the ability to override user action and to know placement channel information. Maybe one day this will happen, but for now, I’ve made this workaround.

The following function will update the server when user placed or removed a marker. It will send extensive information about marker (probably unnecessary detailed) to the server, as well as name and uid of the player placing or removing the marker. I made it to print into my debug_console extension in 2 colours for better distinction. The function can go into init.sqf or in CfgFunctions with preInit = 1; It works during both, debriefing and main game. For dedicated server set up only.

if (!isDedicated) then { KK_fnc_collectMrkInfo = { [ _this, markerText _this, markerPos _this, mapGridPosition markerPos _this, markerDir _this, markerSize _this, markerType _this, markerShape _this, markerBrush _this, markerColor _this, markerAlpha _this ] }; KK_fnc_setMrkEHs = { scopeName "func"; waitUntil { if ( _this == 53 && getClientState == "BRIEFING READ" ) then { breakOut "func"; }; !isNull findDisplay _this }; findDisplay _this displayAddEventHandler [ "KeyDown", { if (_this select 1 == 211) then { _mrknames = allMapMarkers; _mrkdetails = []; { _mrkdetails pushBack ( _x call KK_fnc_collectMrkInfo ); } forEach _mrknames; 0 = [_mrknames, _mrkdetails] spawn { _mrknames = _this select 0; _mrkdetails = _this select 1; MrkOpPV = [ "DELETED", name player, getplayerUID player ]; { _i = _mrknames find _x; if (_i > -1) then { MrkOpPV pushBack (_mrkdetails select _i); }; } forEach (_mrknames - allMapMarkers); if (count MrkOpPV > 3) then { publicVariableServer "MrkOpPV"; }; }; false }; } ]; findDisplay _this displayAddEventHandler [ "ChildDestroyed", { if ( ctrlIdd (_this select 1) == 54 && _this select 2 == 1 ) then { 0 = all_mrkrs spawn { MrkOpPV = [ "PLACED", name player, getplayerUID player ]; { MrkOpPV pushBack ( _x call KK_fnc_collectMrkInfo ); } forEach (allMapMarkers - _this); if (count MrkOpPV > 3) then { publicVariableServer "MrkOpPV"; }; }; }; } ]; findDisplay _this displayCtrl 51 ctrlAddEventHandler [ "MouseButtonDblClick", { 0 = 0 spawn { if (!isNull findDisplay 54) then { findDisplay 54 displayCtrl 1 buttonSetAction "all_mrkrs = allMapMarkers"; }; }; } ]; }; 0 = 12 spawn KK_fnc_setMrkEHs; 0 = 53 spawn KK_fnc_setMrkEHs; } else { 0 = 0 spawn { "MrkOpPV" addPublicVariableEventHandler { "debug_console" callExtension ( str (_this select 1) + (if (_this select 1 select 0 == "DELETED") then [ {"#1001"}, {"#0101"} ]) ); }; }; };

Sample output:

[15:41:08] [“PLACED”,”KK”,”xxxUIDxxx”,[“_USER_DEFINED #1788729070/1″,”My Mark”,[2760.65,5558.65,0],”027055″,0,[1,1],”hd_start”,”ICON”,”Solid”,”Default”,1]]

[15:41:12] [“DELETED”,”KK”,”xxxUIDxxx”,[“_USER_DEFINED #1788729070/1″,”My Mark”, [2760.65,5558.65,0],”027055″,0,[1,1],”hd_start”,”ICON”,”Solid”,”Default”,1]]
