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ArmA Extension: get_friends.dll

Sorry for the lack of posts recently. It is not that I have no content to post, I have tonnes. I’ve been quite busy (and

May 01, 2014 All, ArmA 3, ArmA Scripting, C++, Games

ArmA Extension: delay_ms.dll

What is this extension? It is a very simple .dll that would go to sleep for X milliseconds before returning control to Arma engine, hence

February 22, 2014 All, ArmA 2, ArmA 3, ArmA Scripting, Games

ArmA Extension: hash_id.dll

Well, I don’t really know why I made this. It seemed like a good idea a few days ago, so I started investigating and it


ArmA Extension: url_fetch.dll (V2.0)

So here it is, v2.0 of url_fetch extension. I have to admit I am not entirely happy with v1.0, mostly because it needs 3rd party

November 23, 2013 All, ArmA 2, ArmA 3, ArmA Scripting, C++, Games, Tutorials

ArmA Console Extension: debug_console.dll (V3.0)

You’ve asked for it, so here it is – V3.0 can now write to file as well. It is backwards compatible with and have all

November 03, 2013 All, ArmA 2, ArmA 3, ArmA Scripting, C++, Games

ArmA Extension: real_date.dll

How would you like to link game time to the real world time? When it is night outside it is night in the game, when

October 13, 2013 All, ArmA 2, ArmA 3, ArmA Scripting, C++, DayZ, Games

ArmA Extension: url_fetch.dll

As you may have guessed, this extension is for connecting to a Uniform Resource Locator or URLĀ for short. You can get HTML from an internet

October 03, 2013 All, ArmA 2, ArmA 3, ArmA Scripting, Games, PHP

ArmA Extension: Ctrl_Tab.dll

Here is a very simple extension I made to work with FRAPS. The idea is that you can send a keystroke from within ArmA script

June 20, 2013 All, ArmA 2, ArmA 3, ArmA Scripting, C++

ArmA Console Extension: debug_console.dll (V2.0)

This new debug console extension v2.0 does pretty much what the version 1.0 does. The main difference is you do not need to spawn call

June 11, 2013 All, ArmA 2, ArmA 3, ArmA Scripting, C++

ArmA Console Extension: debug_console.dll

I think I’ve done enough of .rpt parsing (while monitoring DayZ server we had) to last me a life time, so this time let’s go

June 08, 2013 All, ArmA 2, ArmA 3, ArmA Scripting, C++