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ArmA Scripting Tutorials: Automatic Marker Resizing

A few words about map markers. Markers can be global, i.e. visible by everyone connected to the game, or local, visible only by certain users.

July 21, 2014 All, ArmA 3, ArmA Scripting, Tutorials

ArmA Scripting Tutorials: KK_fnc_countUnique

Looks like it is “array overload day” today, so might as well share this useful function based on KK_fnc_assocArrayXXXX functions, which I have edited a


ArmA Scripting Tutorials: KK_fnc_assocArrayXXXX

As promised in previous post, here is another set of functions to operate with arrays. This time it is to do with Associative Arrays. In


ArmA Scripting Tutorials: KK_fnc_arrayReverse, KK_fnc_XYZtoXZY

First of all big thanks to Andrey for another donation! всегда с интересом читаю твои статьи wbr, f0rt Большое спасибо, Андрей! Today I’m going to


ArmA Scripting Tutorials: get_friends, check_player (Logic)

As promised, I wrote some logic to work with get_friends and check_player extensions. But first I’d like to thank one more person for his donation


ArmA Scripting Tutorials: Arrays (Part 4) + arrayShuffle

Yay! Thank you, André, thank you very much for your donation and support! This is what André wrote: from Nokman for the real_time and more thx Ok,


ArmA Scripting Tutorials: squad.xml, squadParams and TTP

So what is squad.xml? It is an ancient and spastic way to identify friends in Arma series. Maybe the only cool thing about it is


ArmA Scripting Tutorials: Who’s Talking?

I was having a conversation with SaMatra today about how useful it would be to have a scripting command + Event Handler for VoN (Voice

March 31, 2014 All, ArmA 3, ArmA Scripting, Games, Tutorials

ArmA Scripting Tutorials: Triggers V3.1 + Basic Multiplayer Coding V1.1

Coming back to triggers seems to be a habit of mine :). I could have just added this to the last post I made on


ArmA Scripting Tutorials: KK_fnc_isEqual (compare booleans and arrays)

I’d like to apologise for the lack of blog posts recently, be my guest and blame Putin for it. So today I’d like to show